Cavall de Cartró, Ndavant and Talher awarded the

Cavall de Cartró, Ndavant and Talher awarded the "Responsible Business Mark"

Cavall de Cartró, Ndavant and Talher have received the Responsible Business mark in recognition of their excellent performance in economic, social and environmental areas. The award ceremony took place at the 7th Catalonian Business Social Responsibility Week, sponsored by Ingeniería Social SAL and the Association +Managers. The event was staged at the Palau Macay between the 19th and 22nd October and had more than 300 attendees.

Elena López, Partner and Director of Ingenería Social and President of the Association +Managers, Àngels Cuadrada of the Catalonian Regional Government (the Generalitat), Rosa Serra of the Barcelona Deputation, Francisco Blanco from Barcelona Town Hall, and Jaume Farré from the La Caixa Bank Foundation were entrusted with awarding the mark to the 30 winning companies and entities in this year’s awards. Montse Mesas, Social Project Coordinator, Rosa Llamas, the Head of Human Resources and Social Representative, and David Gómez, Manager, accepted the mark on behalf of Cavall de Cartró, Ndavant and Talher respectively.

The Responsible Business Mark aims to recognize the value of those companies and organizations which opt to manage based on values which are economic, social and environmental. To be awarded the mark, companies and organizations have to reflect their 10+1 commitments in these areas and pass a best practice validation process. The mark is valid for three years during which time the Association +Managers carries out checks to ensure that the best practice described is adhered to.


