
Clece, from its Children’s School division, tends to over 9,000 children in the 113 centres which it manages in a comprehensive manner throughout Spain, performing countless activities striving for the development of the little ones and endeavouring toward their increased awareness regarding various social issues.

Bottle-tops for Matías

The students of the Conxo Children’s School took part in a charitable activity with the aim of collecting money for the operation that would allow little Matías to walk, a boy with cerebral paralysis.

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Learning a second
and third language

In modern-day society, multi-culturalism requires one to learn several languages. The Gloria Fuentes and Europa children’s schools have been front-runners in the implementation of tri-lingualism in Andalusia.

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The day the
foods left

With the goal of making the very little ones aware of the importance in childhood nutrition, the children’s school Escuela Infantil Municipal Castillo de Colores included and organised a solidary activity devoted to the collection of kilos of food for the children most in need.

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