Breaking Down Barriers

Every day, thousands of people face barriers to accessing the job market due to their origins, gender or condition. These barriers are responsible for exclusion and social inequality. It is a complex and multidimensional map in which employment is a determining factor. Clece’s Social Project focuses on four specific collectives: those with functional differences; victims of gender-based violence; people at risk of, or in a situation of exclusion; and the young unemployed.

On many occasions, a job is the way to lessen their vulnerable situation. With solutions adapted to each reality, Clece has 5,715 people with functional differences integrated within its workforce, 4% more than last year. Through Project 139 it has also increased the number of women it employs who are victims of gender-based violence. It now has 235 workers from this collective, 47.7% more than the previous period. Workers who are at risk of exclusion or in a situation of exclusion have risen to 19.6% of the workforce, a total of 823 employees. Finally, recruitment of young unemployed people has also increased by 4.7% to 1,211 employees.


Functional Difference

5,715 workers

Victims of Gender-Based Violence

235 workers

Social Exclusion

823 workers

Young Unemployed

1,211 workers
Data from June 2018